Quality Control Meeting took place on the 26th of February 2021
The issues discussed: 1. Quality Assurance Plan revision and update…
Участь у вебінарі, який організував Національний Еразмус+ офіс в Україні
Викладачі університетів України, які працюють над реалізацією проєкту «MultiEd» програми…
New Year 2021 opens new perspectives for further successful implementation…
Мікроурок –формування професійної компетентності
Мікроурок –формування професійної компетентності Протягом двох днів, 16-17 грудня,проведено міжнародний…
Online CLIL Webinars by the British Council
On the 11 th of November the MultiEd representatives of CLIL group participated in a series of ELTRA webinars on the theme of CLIL and EMI – from school to Higher Education.
MultiEd Reveals Paths to Contemporary Education
We would like to thank all university partners and each one of our MultiEd team.
The goals and objectives of our collaboration are to make a Ukrainian system of education close to the European one, to modernize and update it.
Side by Side: Content and Language
The MultiEd Project has been rapidly accelerating. Representatives from partner…
Online meeting
On June 10 within the framework of Erasmus + Project…
Potential Directions to Curriculum Development
Potential Directions to Curriculum Development As our students would say…
Education where Content and Language Matter
Education where Content and Language Matter A number of lectures…