The results of MultiEd project are relevant to the national and regional priorities of education in Ukraine at all the levels and provide comprehensive support to the ongoing educational reform “New Ukrainian School” (NUS) contributing to the development of high quality-education.
One of the main goals of MultiEd project is to create favourable education environment for raising new generation of educators who are aware of the cutting-edge pedagogical know-hows.
The project enhanced the potential of 290 academic staff at Ukrainian partner universities through 22 MultiEd courses, internships, and study visits; boosted the academic potential and job employability of 4125 students of different levels.
As the result of MultiEd project implementation, eight Ukrainian partner universities:
- Enriched the university capacity by 32 modernized TFL curricula (15 BA, 12 MA and 6PhD) based on top-notch teaching methods and 21st century skills that train future teachers of foreign languages in line with contemporary secondary education reform and according to society needs and labour market requirements;
- Developed and introduced nine new courses (Introduction to CLIL, Second Language Acquisition, Language, Culture, Society, Academic Writing Essentials for the BA program; CLIL Methodology in the Context of Educational Technologies, Infomedia Literacy and Critical Thinking, ESL Academic Writing for MA Students for the MA program; and English for Research, CLIL Methodology in the Context of Humanities), spanning across BA, MA, and PhD programs, explicitly or implicitly employed the CLIL approach — a MultiEd project focus. The courses set the focus on interactive learning methods and techniques, group projects, and problem-solving activities, emphasizing high-order cognitive skills. They employ critical thinking skills required for a student, teacher, national, and global citizen of the 21st century.
- Updated 82 BA courses, 26 MA courses, and 1 PhD course, with 57% compulsory and 43% elective components. Updated courses followed EU course design best practices, focusing on key terms, competencies, learning outcomes, assessment strategies, course quality monitoring, and other essential features;
- Produced an e-course “CLIL Methodology”, offered to Ukrainian educators by eight participating universities. 466 educators have finished the course during the project’s lifetime. In total, the MultiEd partnership outreached 2422 educators from Ukraine through dissemination activities and courses;
- Designed and introduced Multilingual Education Strategies that regulate the policies of eight Ukrainian universities in terms of building multicultural environment, efficient development of internationalization and multilingual culture. The Strategies are based on the results of comprehensive survey “Multilingual education in Ukraine” engaging 6 740 respondents and include particular needs of each UA University;
- Establish eight classrooms of Multilingual Education and CLIL in each UA partner University. Multimedia kits, portable projectors, and screens supported the piloting and running of the updated curricula;
- Developed two manuals “Infomedia Literacy and Critical Thinking” and “Language, Culture, and Society”;
- Conducted a series of professional development seminars for secondary school teachers and academic staff of higher education institutions. More than 2000 people participated in the seminars;
- Produced and published articles in scientific journals and Mass Media:
- in German journal “Der Pädagogischen Hochschule Heidelberg”;
- 8 scientific articles in Web of Science (7) and Scopus (1);
- materials for local Mass Media (7 programmes on local TV, 1 programme on local radio; 1 publication in the local newspaper, 2 publications in YouTube, 1 online Fulbright seminar);
- 7 regional conferences, 14 all Ukrainian conferences, 38 International conferences;
- 68 presentations and publications at national conferences and 33 at international conferences.
The results of the MultiEd project implementation are presented on the websites at each Ukrainian partner university.