Developing a Contemporary Curriculum
The MultiEd team keeps working on the realization of the project outlined objectives. Currently, online meetings are our format of work. A number of sessions – lectures and webinars were conducted in May and June. 26 team members of MultiEd team participated in sessions which started in May 5 and lasted to May 25, 2020.
The first started lectures followed by webinars, individual work (reading articles preparing for the “lesson”), and, a kind of formative assessment – home assignment. The lecturers, Kateryna Suprun (Ministry of Education and Science, Dr.Sue Garton, Dr. Elisabeth Wielander and Christopher Wilson (Aston University, Birmingham, UK), Dr. Kristina Kallas and Anne Kivimäe (University of Tartu, Narva College, Estonia), Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner Huneke (Heidelberg University of Education, Germany), and Zhanna Talanova (National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine), dealt with Curriculum Development issues – the general principles and approaches of curriculum design in their universities, gave real-life examples from foreign language teaching curricula, presented the aspects of the curriculum development process, explained how curriculum is supposed to be designed, who should be involved in its enhancement, how the feedback can be integrated into the development process, described different stages of curriculum development.
The partners from Ukraine shared the examples of their curriculum and general principles required to Ukrainian and each university context.