Zaporizhzhia National University hosted a kick-off meeting on the 12-14 of February, 2020 for the partner universities of the project “Foreign Language Teacher Training Capacity Development as a Way to Ukraine’s Multilingual Education and European/ MultiEd” Erasmus + programme KA2 – Higher Education Capacity Building (610427-EPP) -1-2019-1-EE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP).
The European delegations were represented by: the Grant Holder of the Project – the Coordinator of the Project Kristjan Klauks (University of Tartu, Estonia) and the Manager of the Project – Oleksandra Golovko (University of Tartu, Estonia) ; Associate Dean for External Relations, Reader in Applied Linguistics (TESOL) School of Languages and Social Sciences, Co-Director Centre for Language Research at Aston University (CLaRA) – Dr. Susan Garton (Aston University, UK); Teaching Associate, Centre for Language Research at Aston University (CLaRA) – Dr. Elizabeth Wielander (Aston University, UK); representatives from Heidelberg University of Education (Germany) – professor Dr. Hans-Werner Huneke, rector of the university, Dr. Stefanie Witzigmann and Leonie Exarchos.
The aim of the meeting was to introduce educational establishments and their achievements, investigate the challenges in the standards and quality of higher education-qualifications between the members of consortium. European partners as well as Ukrainian project participants shared principles of curriculum design, the structure and priorities of organizing the educational process and research at their universities in terms of the Bologna Process with the consortium members. The partners discussed the expectations of further work in the project, general principles of the project implementation, methodology and preparation of the project survey and compiled a plan for future meetings.