Online meeting with a representative of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
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On November 19, 2021, the participants of the MultiEd project had a meeting with the representative of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, state expert of the Expert Group on Higher and Adult Education, Maryna Mruha on the development of multilingual education strategy for each beneficiary university.
Project managers presented their higher education institution and shared the perspective of developing a concept in each university, taking into account the “Concept of the New Ukrainian School” and other regulations on language education in Ukraine.
Maryna Mruha shared her experience in studying, teaching and using English in the higher education establishments on the basis of the “Conceptual Principles of State Policy for the Development of the English Language in the Field of Higher Education”. The higher educational curriculum focuses on modernization by introducing new subjects to be taught in English on different levels both Bachelor and Master degrees on different specialities.